Peddicord Lillis Attorneys Attend Work Comp Conference in Chicago

  • Oct 17, 2019

On September 24-25, 2019, the National Workers' Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN) held its annual conference in Chicago, IL at the Intercontinental Hotel with an impressive mix of over 200 workers' compensation professionals from the U.S. and Canada. Attorneys attending from Peddicord Lillis were: Lee Hook, Steve Durick, Adam Bates, and Alison Stewart.

The program was filled with cutting-edge presentations and included topics such as “The Ethical Challenges of Anti-Engagement” addressing how interactions with the injured workers can promote improved outcomes. Also discussed was “Advocacy-Based Claims Management,” presented by a Senior Fellow at Sedgwick Institute, considered a champion of workers' compensation reform. Bob Wilson of was a keynote speaker and contributor on these topics.

A panel of 22 lawyers discussed state and local trends in workers' compensation. Another topic was an in-depth analysis of an SO-state survey on the status of marijuana in worker's compensation. There were several networking breaks throughout the event, ending with a presentation from Dr. Danzhu Guo of the Ovation Hand Institute on the medical advancements in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

About the National Workers' Compensation Defense Network

NWCDN is an organization comprised of workers' compensation attorneys from 45 states and Canada. Through its online network, member attorneys can be contacted individually or through a coordinated group response to address the latest trends in workers' compensation law. Through its comprehensive network, NWCDN takes a local approach to workers' compensation law and combines it into a national perspective. Annually, NWCDN sponsors an invitation-only national conference for business, risk and insurance professionals. In October 2020, NWCDN will hold its next national conference in Philadelphia, PA.