Notice of Delay for Start of Workers' Compensation Electronic Filing, Case Management, Hearing Scheduling and EDI System (WCES)

  • Sep 26, 2018

Legal Update by Attorney Alison Stewart

The Division of Workers’ Compensation is announcing a delay in the roll-out of WCES, the new electronic filing, case management, hearing scheduling and EDI system for workers’ compensation.

The Division had planned to Go-Live on December 3, 2018. It has been determined it is not possible to thoroughly test the system before December 3, 2018. The Division was advised to delay the Go-Live date until they can be confident WCES has been thoroughly tested.

A new Go-Live date for WCES has not been determined. Work will not stop on this project and the Division will publish a revised Go-Live date once they have agreement among the vendors and the Division.

The delay in the go-live date applies to both filing in contested claims as well as EDI. EDI filers will continue to file using EDI Release 2.0 until WCES goes live and then will switch to EDI Release 3.1. Claimants, employers and insurance carriers will continue to file paper documents in contested claims until WCES goes live. The process for scheduling hearings will also remain as it is currently until WCES goes live.



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