Iowa Work Comp Prosthetic Legislation Update
- Jun 29, 2022
Legal Update by Attorney Alison Stewart and Law Clerk Tori Biggerstaff
Governor Reynolds signed a bill relating to injured workers’ entitlement to prosthetic device needs as a result of work-related injuries. (H.F.2411). An Act Relating to Replacements of Permanent Prosthetic Devices for Injured Workers, was signed into law on June 15, 2022. This bill changes the prosthetic allotment for workers injured on the job. Prior to this bill, injured workers were allowed one permanent prosthetic over their lifetime. When a worker is injured in a compensable injury while employed, the employer is now responsible for replacement prosthetics. Now, injured workers are eligible for a replacement permanent prosthetic if theirs is damaged or made unusable by circumstance arising out of and in the course of employment. They are eligible for this replacement whether or not the artificial member was previously provided by the employer. The replacement of the prosthetic device is now included in an employer’s obligation to provide reasonable medical care for employees injured at work as required by Iowa Code section 85.27.
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